Clinics We Offer


Screening Services that can identify conditions early to ensure the best possible outcomes and treatment are provided 


Immunisations and Vaccinations to avoid or lessen the effects of various conditions 

chronic disease reviews

Reviews with our practice nurses for monitoring a range of Chronic diseases such as Asthma, COPD, Diabetes etc

minor surgery

Minor Surgery

Minor Surgery- Dr Muzaffar & Dr Jesthi offer a minor surgery clinic on Tuesday & Wednesday mornings plus joint injections.



Dermatoscopy- Dr Jesthi & Dr Choudry offer a Dermatoscopy Service to look at any moles or other skin lesions that are worrying you.

baby vaccinations

Child Health and Immunisations

Vaccinations & Immunisations- Dr Choudry specialises in this area.

Other services we can refer to


Contraception Services

Advice regarding various contraception services offered at the practice and in the local area 

substance misuse

If you are concerned about your drinking or drug usage or maybe someone else you know we can help or direct to the right services 

mental health

Mental Health Assessment

If you are struggling with your Mental Health we can refer you to an in house Mental Health Practitioner 

Self Referral Services and Support

Mental Health Services

We have combined a extensive list of Self Referral services and local services you can easily access 

self help

NHS Self Help information such as Stop smoking advise and Pharmacy first 

carers service and Bereavement support

Local carers support services and self referral bereavement support through the Hospice 

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Please use this helpful tool to find services local to your postcode, such as Hospitals, Dentists and Opticians.

NHS England

Decision support tools, also called patient decision aids, support shared decision making by making treatment, care and support options explicit in relation to conditions.